at Steffy’s house? I’m wondering what reason would Sugar have to after Steffy? If she was wanting to get back at Sheila, wouldn’t she try to hurt Finn instead? Obviously she knew Finn was not at home since we saw her peeping at Steffy through shrubs/bushes. She also said something abut Steffy dying tonight.
She probably wanted to frame Sheila for Steffy’s murder
Definetly, Sugar wanted 2frame Sheila 4all Sheila did 2Sugar!! Sheila had plastic surgery done 2Sugar’s face 2look like Sheila. SUGAR did terrible things 4Sheila
Finally, Sugar went 2jail 4those terrible acts n crimes! …All because of Sheila. Sugar got out of prison. Sheila didn’t want anything 2do with her!!
This was my issue with this whole storyline too. Lauren said Sugar did something similar to this involving Scottie, but it landed her in jail for a very long time. So, if Sugar’s intent was to frame Sheila, given how badly she failed in the past, Sugar must be incredibly unintelligent, one of the stupidest criminals on the planet. Yet we are supposed to believe she was a warden?
This is one of the dumbest storylines they could have come up with. All just to “redeem” Sheila.
I would rather they just kept sheila dead and I know I’m hoping for a lot but I’m hoping they find her dead and that way it was Sugar that killed her and not Steffy and they can just wrap it up that way and be done with this nonsense because the plot holes are ridiculous
Agreed, I hope she is dead to. I feel like they went as far as they could with Sheila. She was a great villain, but the character has run its course in my opinion.
I agree. Not interested in watching Sheila rise from the dead for a thousandth time.
Max April 29, 2024, 9:26pm 8 RynK5366:Sugar must be incredibly unintelligent
Nope, this is Bell thinking that the viewers doesn’t have any brain cells. He has written both Sheila and Sugar as dumb criminals but trying to pass them off as being super villains.
Cooper April 30, 2024, 1:59am 9Yeah, I about fell over when Deacon announced, “Sheila is even more of a genius than we thought she was!” First, I don’t think Finn, to whom he was speaking, ever thought Sheila was a genius. She certainly hasn’t done anything genius level intelligent in front of him. Second, what’s so screamingly intelligent about using Sugar the way she did? It was extremely cruel, actually, and that’s not really a sign of “genius” unless you mean “evil genius,” and even then, it didn’t work long term for Sheila anyway. That’s the problem with Sheila’s supposed genius. She never thinks about the possible ramifications of her actions down the road. A really smart villain does that but her sociopathy/pscyhopathy prevents her from doing that. She always envisions a future where everything goes her way and then is astonished when it doesn’t and reverts to type—which means she does anything she has to in order to avoid paying for her actions and countless other people end up hurt.
I’m wondering the same thing. If she kidnapped Sheila and had her locked away, what was the purpose of her going after Steffy.
Did Sugar even know who Steffy was? And who was it that was actually in the bushes?
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loveridge:I agree. Not interested in watching Sheila rise from the dead for a thousandth time.
It’s only 7 times between Y&R n B&B
A cat has 9 lives they say
Sheila is like Stefano DiMera from Days lol. I guess she is the Phoenix of the CBS soaps lol.
Cooper May 1, 2024, 12:47am 13Sheila isn’t a cat or a phoenix. She’s more like a cockroach. So when Bell finally forces BB completely down the drain, she’ll be the last character left skittering away from that drain and straight to Y&R until that show’s ship sinks as well.
Cooper:She’s more like a cockroach.
With me, she’s more like a legion of demons.
@suburbanmom …I would like to know that too. Why would sugar come after steffy? I’m just GUESSING… that Sugar may hv been watching sheila and steffy’s relationship from afar and know they don’t like eachother. And maybe…just maybe Sugar planned on killing steffy, so that sheila would get the blame??